Motivation & Encouragement, Reflections, Testimonies


Change is inevitable but change is also a choice. Howdy people! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Whew! I cannot believe it is 2024! Last year really did fly by fast, right? I am back with the FIRST blog post of the year. SO much has changed and happened in the last year, it's unbelievable. And this year… Continue reading !!!BIG CHANGES!!!

Bloganuary, Experiences, Reflections, Testimonies

Day 30: What would you title the chapters of your autobiography (and why)?

Good day everyone! I hope you have had a decent week so far!First of all, HAPPY NEW MONTH!! I can't believe there's only 4 more months left of 2023. Where on earth has time gone!?!?Blogunary has long gone but that doesn't mean I am forbidden to still answer one of the questions, which I believe… Continue reading Day 30: What would you title the chapters of your autobiography (and why)?


2️⃣3️⃣ things I’ve learnt since turning 2️⃣3️⃣🥳

It's the last day of the month! I can't believe we're about to March into April (did you see what I did there? 🤣😜)! I hope you all have been alright! It has been a minute since I last posted something on my blog! Life is really creeping up as things become a little more… Continue reading 2️⃣3️⃣ things I’ve learnt since turning 2️⃣3️⃣🥳


Day 01: What is something you want to achieve this year?

Hey everyone! This is day 3 or 4 of me writing a blogaunary post about day 01 because I guess I am backwards and trying to find time to post a few blogs! I also find it funny that I didn't start off with this topic as the first Bloganuary post, but rather it's the… Continue reading Day 01: What is something you want to achieve this year?

Bloganuary, Reflections

Day random: What is your mission?

Hey everyone! Hope you are all doing well and enjoying your weekend. This has literally been one of the most stressful posts EVER! I don't know what I did to deserve this but trying to upload a video on WordPress was really giving me grief! Storage issues, uploading issues, server connection problems... Trying to… Continue reading Day random: What is your mission?


Day 10: How do you define success?

Good day everyone! I hope the New Year is treating you with respect so far! If not, tell it to do better! 😀 As you can see, I have come to accept that my Bloganuary is going to look very different to everyone else's as I have unintentionally added a twist to it. Random days,… Continue reading Day 10: How do you define success?

End of Month Evaluations, Reflections

8. Insecurities: “You are not good enough”

Hey everybody! I hope your week is going well. Tomorrow is a new month! Crazy how we are already 3 months into the Year. This wasn't the topic I intended to post for the EoME. And although I initially didn't want to talk about it, it fits perfectly with how I have been feeling for… Continue reading 8. Insecurities: “You are not good enough”

End of Month Evaluations

6. Humility over Humiliation

Be Humble Welcome to another EoME! This is the LAST 'End of Month Evaluation' of the year - right before we enter the new year of 2022! How CRAZY has this year been already!? SO much has happened this year and I am pretty sure I am not the only one who feels like this… Continue reading 6. Humility over Humiliation


Who are YOU?

Do you often find yourself questioning who you are? A question I have for you all is: Do you know who you are? If I am being honest, I always find myself questioning who I am - as a person, a student, a daughter, a colleague, a partner, a sister, a cousin, a niece, a… Continue reading Who are YOU?

End of Month Evaluations

5. Trusting and loving the process

Trust and Love the Process Hi guys! I hope you all have had an interesting November!As you know, it is the end of the month and I'm back again with another 'end of month evaluation' topic! This title is quite interesting to me because this title was inspired by a scholarship transformational life coaching programme/course… Continue reading 5. Trusting and loving the process