
Day 01: What is something you want to achieve this year?

Hey everyone!

This is day 3 or 4 of me writing a blogaunary post about day 01 because I guess I am backwards and trying to find time to post a few blogs! I also find it funny that I didn’t start off with this topic as the first Bloganuary post, but rather it’s the 3rd or 4th! What a strange being I am!

This is my first time participating in this WordPress bloganuary series. Am I nervous to say the least? Hell yeah!

I always ask myself “What do you want to achieve in life?” “What is it that you really want?” and my answers always find a way to leave me feeling overwhelmed and frustrated.

Last month, I decided to create a vision/mood board since I had never made one before. And then I became swept away with a thousand things to do and get through. And then the Holidays happened and then all of a sudden, 2023 came around. And here I am left with a very incomplete and scattered vision board. Although I was slightly disappointed that I didn’t get the chance to really focus on creating a clear and ‘structured’ vision board, I am proud that I started. I am pleased that I managed to write a few things down, even if I didn’t finish them or put them into categories, I did something and that is all that matters.

I also wanted to get back into blogging after taking almost a year’s break from it due to many reasons but this video here summarizes it all: which is also on my new YouTube channel (Yes I finally grew a pair of balls and decided to make a YouTube Channel), which now brings me to what is something I want to achieve this year.

Well, I want to achieve MANY things as I have overwhelming big goals and dreams that I really see coming into manifestation at some point. But as the days rolled by, I was humbly reminded that not everything I plan will always go the way I want it to.
For example, wanting to blog… Every. Single. Day (we thank bloganuary). But I quickly realised that I am not exactly in the best position to blog every day.
Then I thought, why not just things be and be guided through the year with no high expectations and without trying to take control of every bloody aspect of my life. But with that said, I still have a few plans and things I want to do that I can still take some small control over.
For starters, get a start at making some content for my New YouTube channel. I do have some ideas I have written down, which is exciting. It is now left for me to bring those ideas to life.
I want to grow both my Blog and YouTube.
I want to finish my course this year.
I want to start a few projects I have been planning.
Those are at least some of the things I can have some small control over although life can happen and things may change. But as long as I put in work and action towards them, it is still a good move and worth a try.

I am up for the challenge with the acknowledgement that things may not always go to plan but it is better to do something than to sit there motionless and wishing you had given it a shot!

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