Motivation & Encouragement, Reflections, Testimonies


Change is inevitable but change is also a choice. Howdy people! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Whew! I cannot believe it is 2024! Last year really did fly by fast, right? I am back with the FIRST blog post of the year. SO much has changed and happened in the last year, it's unbelievable. And this year… Continue reading !!!BIG CHANGES!!!

End of Month Evaluations

Assumptions vs Seeking Clarification

Hiya! I am back with another EoME! Can't believe we will be entering the 9th month of the year tomorrow! This year has gone by so fast already! Would you agree? Anyway, I hope you enjoy the blog xIn the vast sea of human interaction, assumptions are the hidden icebergs that threaten to sink the… Continue reading Assumptions vs Seeking Clarification

End of Month Evaluations

“I’m not perfect. I’m just passionate!”

HEY! I am back with another EoME! If you often feel misunderstood and judged for your passionate nature, then this post is specifically for you! In this post, I touch on some of the misconceptions people had of me because of my passionate and expressive self, what I have learnt through it all and what… Continue reading “I’m not perfect. I’m just passionate!”


Gaslighting yourself: “I’ll just blame it on hormones”

Hey hey! I hope you all are having a lovely start to the new month!!! I wish I could say the same but with a dissertation hanging over my neck, I guess my 'lovely start' will happen once I finally rid myself from the shackles of education! In this reflective piece, I delve into the… Continue reading Gaslighting yourself: “I’ll just blame it on hormones”

End of Month Evaluations, Reflections

“(Do) Nightmares end when you wake up (?)”

Hello, my lovelies! I hope you all are doing well!This is the first End of Month Evaluation (EoME) of the year that I have posted in a LONG while... I believe... oopsAs you can tell by the title, this post will be about nightmares... fairly relatable nightmares pertaining to the realities of life. In this… Continue reading “(Do) Nightmares end when you wake up (?)”


Value the good people around you!

Hey everyone! I hope you've had a good weekend so far! Another spontaneous video from me! In due time, there will be more consistency and flow with content I create and post but right now, this is as good as it gets! Today's blog/vlog is about valuing the good people around you and the importance… Continue reading Value the good people around you!


Assessment Preparation and Study Tips

Hi Everyone! I hope you all are doing great.I am back with another academic-related post. This is personal to me so please note that some of you may or may not find this useful or helpful. I am just throwing out some key brief tips that helped me during my undergraduate years at university and… Continue reading Assessment Preparation and Study Tips



Hi everyone! I hope you all are having a great day.As I have recently become a graduate student, I thought it would be good to make some content around academics, specifically around university, posting some of my experiences and advice that I feel would be useful and beneficial for students.Some of the things I have… Continue reading YEAR ONE ‘FUN’