Poetry and Stories

“I wish”: the confessions of a firstborn

Hey hey hey everyone! I hope all is well! This is going to be a short one so I thoroughly hope you enjoy. This particular post is a poem I wrote about based on what it sometimes feels to be as a firstborn child! CALLING ALL FIRSTBORNS HERE! Gather round brothers and sisters. I speak… Continue reading “I wish”: the confessions of a firstborn

Bloganuary, Reflections

Bloganuary: Day 5 – Do you spend more time thinking about the future or the past? Why?

Hello, hello! I hope you all are good! Two posts in a day!? W H A T? Will there be a third? Let's see haha This blog post's question is very interesting and I am excited to share some of my answers with you all! A couple of years ago, when I was much younger,… Continue reading Bloganuary: Day 5 – Do you spend more time thinking about the future or the past? Why?

Bloganuary, Reflections

Bloganuary: Day 1 – What are your challenges?

Hey Everyone! Happy new month! 10 days into the new year and things already feel like they are moving quickly!As I am writing this post, I want to share something very random! This particular post and a few others to follow are going to be written with frustration in my heart because I broke one… Continue reading Bloganuary: Day 1 – What are your challenges?

Motivation & Encouragement, Reflections, Testimonies


Change is inevitable but change is also a choice. Howdy people! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Whew! I cannot believe it is 2024! Last year really did fly by fast, right? I am back with the FIRST blog post of the year. SO much has changed and happened in the last year, it's unbelievable. And this year… Continue reading !!!BIG CHANGES!!!


Month 12/12 – transitioning into a new year

As we stand on the cusp of bidding farewell to 2023, the air is thick with many emotions – the sweet nostalgia of victories, the bitter taste of setbacks, the lingering ache of losses, and the hopeful whispers of a new beginning. This year was at times beautiful, messy, and everything in between. Photo by… Continue reading Month 12/12 – transitioning into a new year


When words aren’t heard: The silent breakdowns – a letter from the shadows

Good day everyone! I hope you are having a good week! This post is a little different from what I normally would share so I sincerely hope you enjoy it. This blog is written in the form of a letter. It could be to a loved one or even a stranger - I don't know!… Continue reading When words aren’t heard: The silent breakdowns – a letter from the shadows


Healing: A journey of frustration and resilience

Hey Everyone! As we power through the LAST month of the year, I wanted to share a random but ongoing reflection I have been processing. I know it has been a minute since I last wrote a post and to be honest, I have had a few blog posts 'ready' to be made live, but… Continue reading Healing: A journey of frustration and resilience

End of Month Evaluations

Assumptions vs Seeking Clarification

Hiya! I am back with another EoME! Can't believe we will be entering the 9th month of the year tomorrow! This year has gone by so fast already! Would you agree? Anyway, I hope you enjoy the blog xIn the vast sea of human interaction, assumptions are the hidden icebergs that threaten to sink the… Continue reading Assumptions vs Seeking Clarification


Describe your most ideal day from beginning to end👇🏽

My day in an ideal world Hey there, fabulous folks! I hope your week has been cruising along decently – or at least, better than my attempts at waking up early. Seriously, if hitting the snooze button was an Olympic sport, I'd have a gold medal by now! But hey, today's prompt is about envisioning… Continue reading Describe your most ideal day from beginning to end👇🏽

Bloganuary, Experiences, Reflections, Testimonies

Day 30: What would you title the chapters of your autobiography (and why)?

Good day everyone! I hope you have had a decent week so far!First of all, HAPPY NEW MONTH!! I can't believe there's only 4 more months left of 2023. Where on earth has time gone!?!?Blogunary has long gone but that doesn't mean I am forbidden to still answer one of the questions, which I believe… Continue reading Day 30: What would you title the chapters of your autobiography (and why)?