Bloganuary, Reflections

Day random: What is your mission?

Hey everyone! Hope you are all doing well and enjoying your weekend.

This has literally been one of the most stressful posts EVER! I don’t know what I did to deserve this but trying to upload a video on WordPress was really giving me grief! Storage issues, uploading issues, server connection problems… Trying to delete files to save the video (and even after I did that, it still did not work) then bought more storage (really didn’t want to) and STILL had issues like whyyyyyy! But I have finally managed to find a way after tears, tantrums, and almost giving up (don’t worry, I won’t bore you with the logistics behind it😅)

It will initially look like a file that can’t be clicked or played but once you click on it, the video will appear (I encountered issues uploading and saving. There might be a few issues with the video playing smoothly but I am working to get that sorted out).

Decided to post a video on my blog to answer this random topic which I felt would be more meaningful and purposeful! I hope you all enjoy it! Do let me know what you think 👍🏽😊

Hopefully, more of these to come!

P.S enjoy the little bloopers at the end of the video 🙂

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