End of Month Evaluations

7. Friends

Hey guys! Welcome back to another EoME. The first of this year!I hope you all have had a good month so far. Let us talk about everything friends and friendship related. If I am being honest, sometimes I do not feel like a 'friend'. Sometimes I feel like an option. I read a quote that… Continue reading 7. Friends

End of Month Evaluations, Testimonies

3. Gratitude (University Testimony Story)

I hope you all are having a lovely week! This is another End Of Month's Evaluation. And this month taught me a lot about being grateful and appreciative. DISCLAIMER: May contain sensitive and triggering content! My journey to university wasn't as expected. I went through clearing (a system in the UK where you apply to… Continue reading 3. Gratitude (University Testimony Story)


Mirrors and Reflections

Hey beautiful people! I hope you guys are enjoying yourselves! TRIGGER WARNING (TW) - some of the things I will mention may be sensitive and triggering to people. In no way is this meant to be offensive or insensitive. I am simply recalling some parts of my past and experience in the hope to shed… Continue reading Mirrors and Reflections


YOU are NOT your past.

A couple of years ago, I'd always hide and shy away from admitting the current situation I was in and what I was facing. I was very embarrassed by where I was and what I was running away from. TRIGGER DISCLAIMER: Some things I will mention in the latter may be triggering and sensitive! In… Continue reading YOU are NOT your past.