Bloganuary, Reflections

Bloganuary: Day 5 – Do you spend more time thinking about the future or the past? Why?

Hello, hello! I hope you all are good! Two posts in a day!? W H A T? Will there be a third? Let's see haha This blog post's question is very interesting and I am excited to share some of my answers with you all! A couple of years ago, when I was much younger,… Continue reading Bloganuary: Day 5 – Do you spend more time thinking about the future or the past? Why?

End of Month Evaluations

5. Trusting and loving the process

Trust and Love the Process Hi guys! I hope you all have had an interesting November!As you know, it is the end of the month and I'm back again with another 'end of month evaluation' topic! This title is quite interesting to me because this title was inspired by a scholarship transformational life coaching programme/course… Continue reading 5. Trusting and loving the process

End of Month Evaluations

4. Loneliness

Hola everybody! I hope you all are doing well. The topic for the 'end of month evaluations' (EoME) is loneliness, as you can tell by the title. This is quite a heavy topic for me as this feeling has suffocated me a few times. It got to the point where I isolated myself from everything… Continue reading 4. Loneliness


Mirrors and Reflections

Hey beautiful people! I hope you guys are enjoying yourselves! TRIGGER WARNING (TW) - some of the things I will mention may be sensitive and triggering to people. In no way is this meant to be offensive or insensitive. I am simply recalling some parts of my past and experience in the hope to shed… Continue reading Mirrors and Reflections


YOU are NOT your past.

A couple of years ago, I'd always hide and shy away from admitting the current situation I was in and what I was facing. I was very embarrassed by where I was and what I was running away from. TRIGGER DISCLAIMER: Some things I will mention in the latter may be triggering and sensitive! In… Continue reading YOU are NOT your past.