Bloganuary, Reflections

Bloganuary: Day 1 – What are your challenges?

Hey Everyone! Happy new month! 10 days into the new year and things already feel like they are moving quickly!As I am writing this post, I want to share something very random! This particular post and a few others to follow are going to be written with frustration in my heart because I broke one… Continue reading Bloganuary: Day 1 – What are your challenges?


Month 12/12 – transitioning into a new year

As we stand on the cusp of bidding farewell to 2023, the air is thick with many emotions – the sweet nostalgia of victories, the bitter taste of setbacks, the lingering ache of losses, and the hopeful whispers of a new beginning. This year was at times beautiful, messy, and everything in between. Photo by… Continue reading Month 12/12 – transitioning into a new year


Healing: A journey of frustration and resilience

Hey Everyone! As we power through the LAST month of the year, I wanted to share a random but ongoing reflection I have been processing. I know it has been a minute since I last wrote a post and to be honest, I have had a few blog posts 'ready' to be made live, but… Continue reading Healing: A journey of frustration and resilience


Describe your most ideal day from beginning to end👇🏽

My day in an ideal world Hey there, fabulous folks! I hope your week has been cruising along decently – or at least, better than my attempts at waking up early. Seriously, if hitting the snooze button was an Olympic sport, I'd have a gold medal by now! But hey, today's prompt is about envisioning… Continue reading Describe your most ideal day from beginning to end👇🏽

Bloganuary, Experiences, Reflections, Testimonies

Day 30: What would you title the chapters of your autobiography (and why)?

Good day everyone! I hope you have had a decent week so far!First of all, HAPPY NEW MONTH!! I can't believe there's only 4 more months left of 2023. Where on earth has time gone!?!?Blogunary has long gone but that doesn't mean I am forbidden to still answer one of the questions, which I believe… Continue reading Day 30: What would you title the chapters of your autobiography (and why)?


2️⃣3️⃣ things I’ve learnt since turning 2️⃣3️⃣🥳

It's the last day of the month! I can't believe we're about to March into April (did you see what I did there? 🤣😜)! I hope you all have been alright! It has been a minute since I last posted something on my blog! Life is really creeping up as things become a little more… Continue reading 2️⃣3️⃣ things I’ve learnt since turning 2️⃣3️⃣🥳


Value the good people around you!

Hey everyone! I hope you've had a good weekend so far! Another spontaneous video from me! In due time, there will be more consistency and flow with content I create and post but right now, this is as good as it gets! Today's blog/vlog is about valuing the good people around you and the importance… Continue reading Value the good people around you!


Day 15: What fear have you conquered?

Hey everyone! Happy new month! I cannot believe it is February already! How crazy!!I am very aware that bloganuary is over but I still want to write about a few more topics/questions that I would love to touch on before closing the series (on my own terms LOL). A lack of contentment will be my… Continue reading Day 15: What fear have you conquered?

Bloganuary, Reflections

Day random: What is your mission?

Hey everyone! Hope you are all doing well and enjoying your weekend. This has literally been one of the most stressful posts EVER! I don't know what I did to deserve this but trying to upload a video on WordPress was really giving me grief! Storage issues, uploading issues, server connection problems... Trying to… Continue reading Day random: What is your mission?