Bloganuary, Reflections

Bloganuary: Day 5 – Do you spend more time thinking about the future or the past? Why?

Hello, hello! I hope you all are good! Two posts in a day!? W H A T? Will there be a third? Let's see haha This blog post's question is very interesting and I am excited to share some of my answers with you all! A couple of years ago, when I was much younger,… Continue reading Bloganuary: Day 5 – Do you spend more time thinking about the future or the past? Why?

Bloganuary, Reflections

Bloganuary: Day 1 – What are your challenges?

Hey Everyone! Happy new month! 10 days into the new year and things already feel like they are moving quickly!As I am writing this post, I want to share something very random! This particular post and a few others to follow are going to be written with frustration in my heart because I broke one… Continue reading Bloganuary: Day 1 – What are your challenges?


When words aren’t heard: The silent breakdowns – a letter from the shadows

Good day everyone! I hope you are having a good week! This post is a little different from what I normally would share so I sincerely hope you enjoy it. This blog is written in the form of a letter. It could be to a loved one or even a stranger - I don't know!… Continue reading When words aren’t heard: The silent breakdowns – a letter from the shadows

Bloganuary, Experiences, Reflections, Testimonies

Day 30: What would you title the chapters of your autobiography (and why)?

Good day everyone! I hope you have had a decent week so far!First of all, HAPPY NEW MONTH!! I can't believe there's only 4 more months left of 2023. Where on earth has time gone!?!?Blogunary has long gone but that doesn't mean I am forbidden to still answer one of the questions, which I believe… Continue reading Day 30: What would you title the chapters of your autobiography (and why)?

End of Month Evaluations

“I’m not perfect. I’m just passionate!”

HEY! I am back with another EoME! If you often feel misunderstood and judged for your passionate nature, then this post is specifically for you! In this post, I touch on some of the misconceptions people had of me because of my passionate and expressive self, what I have learnt through it all and what… Continue reading “I’m not perfect. I’m just passionate!”


2️⃣3️⃣ things I’ve learnt since turning 2️⃣3️⃣🥳

It's the last day of the month! I can't believe we're about to March into April (did you see what I did there? 🤣😜)! I hope you all have been alright! It has been a minute since I last posted something on my blog! Life is really creeping up as things become a little more… Continue reading 2️⃣3️⃣ things I’ve learnt since turning 2️⃣3️⃣🥳


Value the good people around you!

Hey everyone! I hope you've had a good weekend so far! Another spontaneous video from me! In due time, there will be more consistency and flow with content I create and post but right now, this is as good as it gets! Today's blog/vlog is about valuing the good people around you and the importance… Continue reading Value the good people around you!


Day 10: How do you define success?

Good day everyone! I hope the New Year is treating you with respect so far! If not, tell it to do better! 😀 As you can see, I have come to accept that my Bloganuary is going to look very different to everyone else's as I have unintentionally added a twist to it. Random days,… Continue reading Day 10: How do you define success?

End of Month Evaluations

7. Friends

Hey guys! Welcome back to another EoME. The first of this year!I hope you all have had a good month so far. Let us talk about everything friends and friendship related. If I am being honest, sometimes I do not feel like a 'friend'. Sometimes I feel like an option. I read a quote that… Continue reading 7. Friends