
When words aren’t heard: The silent breakdowns – a letter from the shadows

Good day everyone! I hope you are having a good week! This post is a little different from what I normally would share so I sincerely hope you enjoy it. This blog is written in the form of a letter. It could be to a loved one or even a stranger - I don't know!… Continue reading When words aren’t heard: The silent breakdowns – a letter from the shadows


Healing: A journey of frustration and resilience

Hey Everyone! As we power through the LAST month of the year, I wanted to share a random but ongoing reflection I have been processing. I know it has been a minute since I last wrote a post and to be honest, I have had a few blog posts 'ready' to be made live, but… Continue reading Healing: A journey of frustration and resilience

Bloganuary, Experiences, Reflections, Testimonies

Day 30: What would you title the chapters of your autobiography (and why)?

Good day everyone! I hope you have had a decent week so far!First of all, HAPPY NEW MONTH!! I can't believe there's only 4 more months left of 2023. Where on earth has time gone!?!?Blogunary has long gone but that doesn't mean I am forbidden to still answer one of the questions, which I believe… Continue reading Day 30: What would you title the chapters of your autobiography (and why)?


Gaslighting yourself: “I’ll just blame it on hormones”

Hey hey! I hope you all are having a lovely start to the new month!!! I wish I could say the same but with a dissertation hanging over my neck, I guess my 'lovely start' will happen once I finally rid myself from the shackles of education! In this reflective piece, I delve into the… Continue reading Gaslighting yourself: “I’ll just blame it on hormones”

Creativity, Poetry and Stories

The Golden Black

Greetings! I hope you are having a good day today!Here I am again, with another creative writing piece!In all honesty, I should have published this poem last month in celebration of Black History Month (BHM) but for some reason, it never occurred to me! *SHOCK*! FUN FACT: This isn't really a 'fun' fact - It… Continue reading The Golden Black

End of Month Evaluations

4. Loneliness

Hola everybody! I hope you all are doing well. The topic for the 'end of month evaluations' (EoME) is loneliness, as you can tell by the title. This is quite a heavy topic for me as this feeling has suffocated me a few times. It got to the point where I isolated myself from everything… Continue reading 4. Loneliness