End of Month Evaluations

“I’m not perfect. I’m just passionate!”

HEY! I am back with another EoME! If you often feel misunderstood and judged for your passionate nature, then this post is specifically for you! In this post, I touch on some of the misconceptions people had of me because of my passionate and expressive self, what I have learnt through it all and what I remind myself when I am met with a wave of sadness.

In a world where perfection is often idolized, it’s easy to misunderstand someone who strives for excellence in various aspects of their life. For a long time, I faced the misconception that I thought I was perfect or better than others. I was often blindsighted by how poorly people treated me or how often I was judged. At times, I was labelled a ‘goody two shoes’ or a ‘teacher’s pet’ and people would often question if I thought I was above them. However, the truth is far from that perception.
I’m not perfect. I’m just passionate.

A Desire for Growth:
My pursuit of personal growth extended beyond the boundaries of academia. While I was determined to excel academically, my true motivation stemmed from an inner desire to grow and progress in all facets of my life. It wasn’t about surpassing others or proving my superiority, but rather about proving to myself that I am not useless, worthless, or incapable. I wanted to demonstrate that I could push past my obstacles and create a meaningful life for myself.

Passion and Humility:
Being passionate about something doesn’t mean you consider yourself superior to others. Passion is a driving force that ignites a fire within us, propelling us to work harder, dream bigger, and make a difference. It is a quality that should be celebrated, not misunderstood. It’s crucial to remember that our passion doesn’t diminish the worth or abilities of others. Rather, it is an expression of our unique desires and aspirations.

Changing Mentality and Embracing Authenticity:
Over time, I realized the importance of changing my mentality and understanding who I truly am. It meant embracing all aspects of myself, including my flaws, desires, mistakes, and lessons. Instead of viewing them as weaknesses, I had to learn to turn them into testimonies, inspiration, and encouragement for others. By being proud of who I am and owning every part of myself, I discovered the power of authenticity.

The Value of Self-Perception:
In a society that often places great importance on external validation, shifting our focus inward is crucial. Worrying about what others think can be a draining and endless cycle. Instead, we should prioritize what we think about ourselves. Acknowledge your worth, follow your heart’s desires, and strive to be the best version of yourself. Authenticity, kindness, and genuineness will always shine through when you’re true to yourself.

In a world that expects perfection, it’s essential to remember that nobody is flawless. We all have our strengths, weaknesses, dreams, and aspirations. Embracing your passions and pursuing personal growth is not a reflection of superiority but a testament to your dedication and determination. Learn to appreciate and accept yourself, with all your imperfections and desires. Be authentic, kind, and genuine, and worry less about what others think. Your journey is unique, and by being true to yourself, you can inspire and encourage others to do the same. Remember, you’re not perfect. You’re just passionate, and that’s something to be celebrated.

I hope July has been kind to you. Wishing you a better month ahead xo
Sianne C

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