
Day 15: What fear have you conquered?

Hey everyone! Happy new month! I cannot believe it is February already! How crazy!!
I am very aware that bloganuary is over but I still want to write about a few more topics/questions that I would love to touch on before closing the series (on my own terms LOL).

A lack of contentment will be my straight ‘cut to the chase’ answer to ‘today’s’ (Sunday’s) prompt question, which is…

What fear have you conquered?

I could list a few of mine. Have I conquered any of them? No. Anything that needs to be overcome, is ‘a work in progress’. Currently, I’m trying to learn that I don’t (have to) live for others’ expectations of me or their approval of me as a person and the way I live my life.
Since childhood, I have ALWAYS feared:
– people’s opinion of me
– failing
– losing friends
– not achieving ‘perfection’
– being alone
– going back to that dark period in my life
– humiliation
and more.

But what I am slowly and gradually learning is that my time on earth is not about getting it right all the time or getting it right for everyone else around me but it’s about my needs, happiness, progression and accomplishments (doesn’t that sound beautifully selfish… right?).
I acknowledge that the road to success is long, but I’m making progress.

And that’s all I can offer for ‘today’s’ prompt question.

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