End of Month Evaluations

6. Humility over Humiliation

Be Humble

Welcome to another EoME! This is the LAST ‘End of Month Evaluation’ of the year – right before we enter the new year of 2022!

How CRAZY has this year been already!? SO much has happened this year and I am pretty sure I am not the only one who feels like this year just flew by so fast!?

Moving on, I wanted this month’s topic to specifically be about the act of humility.
Humility is one of the seven virtues (in the bible). To be humble is to be diffident, to be modest, meek and most importantly, to have a lack of pride/arrogance.
I am sure we have all heard the saying “pride comes before a fall”. This is something I will later make a post about but just adding on from that – when you hold pride close to you, you tend to lack humbleness. You tend to gloat and boast. Now, I am not saying it is a crime to have pride – it is good to be proud of yourself and your accomplishments etc but not carry yourself in a way that demeans and tears down other people. That’s when it becomes detrimental.

This year as a whole has humbled me in so many ways. And as I reflect on the last month of the year, I have been fortunate and blessed enough to have accomplished more than I ever thought and imagined. One of them was being nominated for 3 awards and winning 2 – one internal at University and a significant national award across the UK and Northern Ireland.

To say I am still shocked would be an understatement. I am just so over the moon to have been recognised for so many things I was doing from the kindness and pureness of my heart. I wasn’t doing any of this for show or attention, acknowledgement or recognition. I did what I did because I was passionate and compassionate. It was because I cared and had the best interest of others as my intention.

Humility is an asset for self-advancement. By living a humble life, you start to recognize the areas of your life that need improvement and construction. You admit where you are at fault and accept that you are not perfect or better than/above anyone. You do things without the expectation of receiving an award or something in return. When you are humble, it leaves room for you to develop trust between yourself and other people, which can also lead to an advantageous outcome such as leadership skills and space for learning. It also makes you more likely to achieve more and become successful. A humble leader brings people together by generously sharing and using their skills, knowledge and privileges to do the greater good. A modest individual gains respect and trust from people as their actions would show how genuine they are, rather than being pompous and selfish.

This quality has been something that I equally became more conscious about, especially with my accomplishments and small growth in popularity. Sometimes, when something big happens in a person’s life, they become conceited, greedy, prideful, boastful and overbearing. Sometimes, they forget who they are and where they came from. The world automatically revolves around them and nobody else, which shouldn’t be the case. But unfortunately, it is the sad reality as the world we now live in is full of coldness and bitterness and many crooked, money-hungry and power addicted and obsessed individuals. Many people lack humility and tend to humiliate and tear down others to bring themselves up and make themselves feel better. WRONG MOVE! Humiliation is an act of cowardness, insecurity, bitterness, pride and maliciousness.

It is important to always practise the art of humility in EVERY aspect of your life, no matter how big or small things are and what happens in your life. If you think you know it all, then you are less likely to take the time to learn from others. You are less likely to learn from yourself and the mistakes you make. You are also less likely to receive genuine support from others.

Be very very very careful of how you treat others when you are climbing up because you don’t know what awaits you at the top. You don’t know tomorrow. You don’t know who those people you mistreat will become one day. You also don’t want to meet the same people you trampled on whilst climbing up, on your way down as it would be extremely humiliating and painful, once you know that you have fallen down and they are now the ones trampling on you to get to the top.
The universe absorbs and spreads energy. Be careful what you do and how you do it because it will always find its way back to you. And that’s on KARMA!!

Be gracious. Be loving. BE HUMBLE (but don’t sit down 😉 – if you get the reference, you are a real one!)

WISHING YOU ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR TOMORROW! Bigger and better things to come!

Sianne xo

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